Sniff Sniff Gang Bang
TV-MA | 30 MIN
Written by Doug Ellin & Ally Musika
Directed by David Nutter
After a night in separate bedrooms, Mrs. Ari confronts her husband with a printout of his quotes. What upsets her most is that it took him hours to get home after the news broke – he put work before his family.
Sasha informs Vince that she has been offered $200,000 for a five-man gangbang. Although Vince tells her to turn down the part – and offers to pay her if she will – Sasha is adamant about accepting it. "I'm not asking your permission," she says. "Just letting you know."
Carlos arrives in L.A. and tells Turtle the factory is not equipped to handle the business he's bringing in. Turtle promises to bring in funding so Avión can grow.
Ari tries to maintain a new attitude at work, but when Dana Gordon calls to say Vince will need to take a drug test, he reverts to his old self: "I will not be fucked in the ass. And Vince won't piss in a cup."
Vince turns to Scott for advice about Sasha – and drugs. Scott suggests Vince dump Sasha, and says no to the latter request. Instead, Vince apologizes to Sasha. E calls with news about the drug test, so Vince decides to talk to Dana himself. As E heads out to see Dana too, Billy admits he saw Vince do coke with Scott. Furious, E storms into Scott's office.
Although everyone else, including the network, is excited about the cartoon, Drama still refuses to consider it. Phil Yagoda suggests they find a replacement for Drama if he doesn't want to do the show, but Eric tells him no -- the show is E's property, and he wants to keep working on Drama.
At an emergency therapy session, Mrs. Ari announces she will need to re-evaluate their relationship. Ari hesitates about making any more promises – he's afraid of breaking them.
Vince argues to Dana that his word should be good enough for the studio. By the time Eric arrives, he learns Randall Wallace has dropped out.
Waiting for Ari to help him with fundraising, Turtle runs into Mark Cuban. Intrigued by Avión, Cuban invites Turtle and Alex to Sacramento with him for further discussion.
Eric confronts Vince about his recent behavior and choice in girlfriends. Unfazed, Vince tells E he will deliver for the movie – and Eric should find out how to fit Sasha into it.