
Written by Steve Hely
Directed by Becky Martin

Selina attends the funeral of Crown Prince Nasser bin Hamad al Gani in Doha, Qatar where she reconnects with Ambassador Al Jaffar. Catherine and Marjorie video call to announce they’re pregnant, but Selina is distracted by a photo in the paper of her smiling next to Sudanese warlord Colonel al-Saleh: ”He is a bomber and a photobomber.” The team searches for another photo op to draw focus from the headline.

Jonah holds court with other members of Congress; they brainstorm names to call their coalition and Jonah decides on “The Jeffersons.” Furlong asks Ben and Kent for Jonah’s support of an airport bill and Jonah says he won’t vote unless he gets an invitation to dinner at Furlong’s house. When Roger says Mrs. Furlong only invites married couples, Shawnee waltzes in and announces that she and Jonah are engaged.

At wit’s end, Dan complains to Stevie about Jane’s sexual harassment. Stevie brings in an HR representative who says his allegations could result in Jane’s immediate termination. Jane walks into the room and loses it.

Selina and team go to Juba, South Sudan to take a photo with Nyaring Ayun: an activist who opposed Colonel al-Saleh. They take photos and sit for tea, where Selina mentions the importance of toppling the patriarchy. When Ayun asks for a plan, Selina cannot come up with any specific answer. There’s a problem with Selina’s plane, and Jaffar sends his jet to retrieve her.

“What’s Qatari for ‘morning-after pill?’ It’s probably a stoning, which would also do the trick.” - Selina

Back in Doha, Selina flirts with Jaffar and goes back to his palace. The next morning, she looks into mineral rights in Sudan at Jaffar’s prompting. Amy asks Selina if she’s moving too fast with Jaffar and Selina wonders if she can date a Muslim man.

Selina, Jaffar and President Lu from China meet on Jaffar’s yacht to discuss Sudan, and Selina asks for credit in freeing Tibet. After Lu agrees, Selina sees Montez on TV with Ayun and resolves to go back to Sudan to address women’s rights.

Jonah, Ben, Kent and their significant others attend dinner at Furlong’s house; Roger is cloying in front of his wife. Jonah asks for a better office and Furlong snaps as soon as his wife leaves the room. Furlong eventually capitulates, and Jonah moves into his new office, identical to the old one, on the second floor.

Upon her return from Sudan, Selina speaks at the Arab Conference on Human Rights in Qatar. Right before she goes on stage, Jaffar notifies her al-Saleh is there and she should refrain from saying anything negative if she wants credit for Tibet. Selina delivers a confounding speech, which refuses to denounce al-Saleh. Afterwards, Jaffar tells Selina al-Saleh pulled the deal because she could have been more enthusiastic. He also admits he can’t be with her because she’s white.

On air, Jane awkwardly resigns from CBS This Morning.