If you or someone you know needs support, visit these organizations for more information.
One in five Americans live with a mental health condition. NAMI provides advocacy, education, support and public awareness so all individuals and families affected by mental illness can build better lives.
NAMI Panel
Members of the I Know This Much Is True cast and crew discuss the impact mental illness has had on their lives with NAMI CEO Daniel H. Gillison and New Day’s Alisyn Camerota.
International Resources
Dirección Nacional de Salud Mental y Adicciones
Anyone can suffer mental illness at some point of their life. Understanding them from a comprehensive health approach is essential to overcome prejudices and advance in care and social integration.
Salud Mental Responde
These services are constituted as a form of communication with easy access and prompt response for professionals, institutions and residents of the City. It allows informing and guiding users towards the most appropriate available resources for their problems, or the one that motivates their consultation without being a healthcare modality.
Lifeline is a national charity providing all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.
Tele Onthaal
If you need to talk, you can call the free hotline (24/7) or chat via www.tele-onthaal.be.
ABRE - Associação Brasileira de Familiares, Amigos e Portadores de Esquizofrenia
ABRE aims to improve the quality of life of people with schizophrenia and their families, defend their rights, eliminate stigma, disseminate information and promote dialogue about the nature and treatment of schizophrenia.
Montserrat Clinic
We are an entity with more than 68 years of work and commitment helping patients, their families and society in everything that has to do with mental health problems. We have a friendly, humanized, multidisciplinary, scientific healthcare system that seeks to serve our users in the best possible way in all phases of treatment, with high ethical principles.
We work for a society where more people get a good life, whether they are mentally vulnerable, diagnosed or experiencing a temporary crisis.
Suomen Mielenterveys ry
Mental health can be strengthened. It is useful and rewarding to develop mental health skills. Here you will find information and exercises as well as support for different situations in life.
UNAFAM is an association of public utility, which welcomes, listens, supports, trains, informs and accompanies the families and the entourage of people living with mental disorders since 1963. It has more than 14,000 members. Help line: +33-142-630-303.
SCHIZO-OUI is the main French association for schizophrenia since 1998. Help line: +33-145-894-944.
The Depression Helpline (1034)
The Depression Helpline (1034) is a trusted service organized by the "Anti-Stigma" Program of the Research University Institute of Mental Health (EPIPSY) and offers important work in the field of mental health since May 2008, when it started operating. The Depression Helpline runs from Monday to Friday, 9:00 - 21:00 , and is staffed by specially trained psychologists and other mental health professionals, under the supervision of a team of psychiatrists.
Aeginiteio Hospital, University Psychiatric Clinic
Emergency Telephone Aid Unit
SOS: +30 210 72 22 333
Mental health helpline
“When you feel there is no hope, there is help”
KLIMAKA operates since 2007, the 1018 Suicide Prevention Hotline. The Hotline operates on a 24-hour basis, 7 days a week, and receives calls from a mobile or fixed-line phone from all areas of Greece. Calls are anonymous and confidential.
The 1018 Hotline is adressed to: People who are thinking of suicide, people who have experienced suicidal behaviors in the past, people with self-destructive behavior and people who are experiencing suicide loss, or are worried about someone close to them.
The Suicide Prevention Hotline is part of the Center for the Prevention of Suicide, run by KLIMAKA, with the support of the Greek Ministry of Health, since April 2012. In the Center for the Prevention of Suicide, specially trained, mental health professionals undertake the treatment of people who have developed suicidal behavior.
Hong Kong
The Samaritans
The Samaritans is a non-profit, non-religious organisation giving confidential emotional support to people who are suicidal or are in general distress. The service is provided to anyone regardless of age, creed, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation. Phone number: 852 2896 0000
Bipolar Care Indonesia
A community focuses on mental health issue, facilitates bipolar survivors, caregivers and people who care about bipolar. Scope of activity: supporting program and education.
Into The Light Indonesia
A youth community for advocacy, studies, and education about suicide prevention and mental health.
Get Happy Indonesia
A non-profit community-based organization that aims to start conversations and spread knowledge about depression, mental health and happiness.
Tokyo Mental Health Square
Counseling, free consultation, and child care consultation.
JUST (Japanese Union for Survivors of Trauma): 日本トラウマ・サバイバーズ・ユニオン
JUST is a volunteer non-profit organization run by the survivors themselves who have survived various traumas (traumas). Established in 1997 by a psychiatrist Saito's call for trauma caused by various factors such as bullying, child abuse, verbal violence, family relationships, human relationships, etc. it was done. Through meeting and sharing with like-minded colleagues, we are engaged in various activities aimed at problem solving and self-development.
Befrienders is a not-for-profit organisation providing emotional support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to people who are lonely, in distress, in despair, and having suicidal thoughts - without charge.
Kuala Lumpur: 03-7956 8145 (24 hours)
Ipoh: 05-547 7933 (4pm to 11pm)
Lifeline Association Malaysia
Lifeline Association Malaysia offers free consultation service face-to-face, over the phone and through email. Phone number: 03-42657995
E-Mail: counselling@lifeline.org.my
Malaysian Mental Health Association
Malaysian Mental Health Association provides support via their phone line on any mental health issues. MMHA also has qualified mental health professionals ie. clinical psychologist, and counselors providing psychological support services. Financial subsidies are readily available to ensure that necessary therapy and support is given to anyone who needs it. Phone number: 03-2780 6803
New Zealand
Mental Health New Zealand
The Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand is a charity that works towards creating a society free from discrimination, where all people enjoy positive mental health & wellbeing.
Youth for Mental Health Coalition, Inc.
The Youth for Mental Health Coalition is a group of student organizations and youth advocates that work to elevate the Filipino youth’s consciousness on mental health and end the stigma on mental illness.
National Center for Mental Health by Department of Health
The National Center for Mental Health is dedicated to delivering preventive, curative and rehabilitative mental health care services.
Russian Mental Health Foundation
Psychosocial rehabilitation; Information support; Material assistance; Anti-stigmatization.
Samaritans of Singapore
SOS is dedicated to providing confidential emotional support to individuals facing a crisis, thinking about suicide or affected by suicide. We are a secular non-profit organization comprising full-time staff and volunteers. Our services include specialized counseling, support for those affected by the suicide of someone they know, referrals, training and workshops, outreach, and more. Phone number: 1800-221-4444.
The Institue of Mental Health
The Institute of Mental Health (IMH) is a acute tertiary psychiatric hospital that offers a comprehensive range of psychiatric, rehabilitative and counselling services for children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly. Phone number: 6389 2222
The John Tung Foundation
John Tung Foundation is a non-profit organization established in 1984. The aim of the foundation is to raise awareness of mental health issue, tobacco hazards prevention and nutrition and hygiene education. John Tung Foundation is also the first foundation to work on the depression prevention in Taiwan.
The Mental Health Association in Taiwan
The Mental Health Association in Taiwan (MHAT) has been dedicated to mental health promotion and mental illness prevention for decades as a non-profit organization since 1955. During the past 63 years, MHAT has cooperated with the civil society, other NGOs and the central or local government to improve mental health service provisions for different target populations.
United Kingdom
Samaritans is a registered charity aimed at providing emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope, or at risk of suicide throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland, often through their telephone helpline.
Mind is a mental health charity in England and Wales. Founded in 1946 as the National Association for Mental Health, it celebrated its 70th anniversary in 2016. Mind offers information and advice to people with mental health problems and lobbies government and local authorities on their behalf.