Margene Heffman
Played by Ginnifer Goodwin
Margene is the third -- and youngest -- Henrickson wife. Her single mother raised her in small-town Colorado after her father left when Margene was only three years old. When Margene's mother picked up and moved to Salt Lake City, she dragged Margene with her.
After graduating from high school in Salt Lake, Margene began working for Bill in his original Henrickson Home Plus store as a customer service representative. Seeing that Margene was not exactly adept at retail work, Bill hired her to babysit his children back home. Gradually, Margene began to fall in with the family, recognizing a love and stability she'd never had before. Eventually Bill, Barb and Nicki brought Margene into the family as the third sister-wife.
Less complicated than Nicki and more pliant than Barb, Margene has been a safe harbor for Bill. Though the other wives tend to write her off as inexperienced and unreliable, she typically responds with eagerness rather than indignation.