Winner of 59 Emmys
Game of Thrones
8 Seasons | 73 Episodes | TV-MA
Trouble is brewing in Westeros. For the inhabitants of this world, control of the Iron Throne holds the lure of great power. But in a land where seasons can last a lifetime, winter is coming...and beyond the Great Wall that protects them, a forgotten evil has returned. HBO presents this epic series based on the book series A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin.
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House of the Dragon
The North Remembers
Tyrion arrives to save Joffrey's crown from threats old and new. Daenerys searches for allies and water in the Red Waste.
The Night Lands
Arya shares a secret with a familiar recruit. A scout returns to Dany with disturbing news. Theon comes home to the Iron Islands.
What Is Dead May Never Die
Tyrion roots out a spy. Catelyn meets a new king and queen. Bran dreams and Theon drowns.
Garden of Bones
Catelyn tries to save two kings from themselves. Tyrion practices coercion. Robb meets a foreigner and Dany finds her ally.
The Ghost of Harrenhal
The Baratheon rivalry ends. Tyrion learns of Cersei's secret weapon. Dany suffers a loss. Arya collects a debt she didn't know was owed.
The Old Gods and the New
Arya has a surprise visitor. Dany vows to take what is hers. Joffrey meets his subjects. Qhorin gives Jon a chance to prove himself.
A Man Without Honor
Jaime meets a distant relative. Dany receives an invitation. Theon leads a search party. Jon loses his way in the wilderness.
The Prince of Winterfell
<div class='episode-body-left-aligned' style='text-align: left'><p><b>Written by </b>David Benioff and D.B. Weiss<br><b>Directed by </b>Alan Taylor<br></p><p>Theon Greyjoy welcomes his sister, Yara, to Winterfell. Expecting praise, he becomes defensive when she criticizes his decision to execute the Stark boys for running away. Theon is further shocked when she tells him their father, Lord Balon, wants him home. When he refuses to give up the castle, Yara reminds Theon that Robb Stark will have his head. "Come home with me," she urges her defiant little brother.</p><p>Ygritte hands off Jon Snow to the Lord of Bones, known to the men of the Watch as Rattleshirt because of his skeletal armor. With Qhorin Halfhand already his prisoner, Rattleshirt prepares to kill Jon, but Ygritte argues convincingly that Mance Rayder will be interested in Ned Stark's bastard. When Rattleshirt yields, Ygritte tells Jon they are even. Spared his own life, Jon is devastated to learn that the men in Qhorin's group were killed by wildlings. "See that it wasn't for nothing," says Qhorin. As the two march on, Qhorin begins arguing with Jon.</p><p>Elsewhere in the Frostfangs, Dolorous Edd, Grenn and Samwell Tarly dig trenches. Edd reasons that since Jon went off with the Halfhand and neither has been seen since, they're both dead, but Sam refuses to believe it. As they dig, Grenn uncovers an ancient cache of dragonglass buried by their Night's Watch forebears.</p><p>King Robb Stark, newly returned from the Crag with Lady Talisa Maegyr<b>, </b>explains to her the circumstances of his engagement: He promised to marry a Frey girl to gain access to a bridge that would allow him to march south and hopefully, save his father. Although he was taught by Ned Stark to rule benevolently, Robb is steadfast that the war must continue: Until the Lannisters are dead, his family will never be safe. Their walk is interrupted with news-Ser Jaime Lannister has escaped, with the help of Lady Catelyn Stark. Robb marches into his mother's tent with Lord<b> </b>Rickard<b> </b>Karstark in disbelief, but Catelyn does not deny her actions. Furious, Robb immediately sends more men to get the Kingslayer back.</p><p>Brienne of Tarth travels with a shackled Jaime through the back roads to King's Landing. Jaime tries to goad his captor into showing him her sword skills, but she ignores him.</p><p>With Stannis Baratheon en route to King's Landing, Ser Kevan Lannister advocates that the royal family withdraw. Lord Tywin refuses to let the family retreat, aware of the message it will send. Ser Kevan tells his brother that the Greyjoys have done them a favor by taking Winterfell-Robb has already sent men to reclaim the castle. Lord Tywin opts to surprise Robb's reduced forces that night and leaves Ser Gregor Clegane in charge of Harrenhal, cautioning Arya to watch his drinking. With no time to spare, Arya searches the grounds unsuccessfully for Jaqen H'ghar. When Jaqen finally appears, she asks him how long it will take him to kill a man. "Death is certain. The time is not," he tells her. Unsatisfied, she names Jaqen H'ghar as her third victim. Shocked, Jaqen demands she unname him, but Arya says in exchange, he must help her and her friends escape Harrenhal. With Hot Pie and Gendry in tow that night, Arya musters up the courage to walk toward the gate and realizes that the men guarding it are already dead.</p><p>Tyrion pores over books in search of a strategy to use against Stannis, bickering irritably with Bronn until Varys enters. Although Varys compliments Bronn for the way the Gold Cloaks have reduced the incidents of thievery in the city, Tyrion is unhappy with Bronn's brutal methods. Assessing the maps of the city, Tyrion predicts Stannis will land and head for the weakest nearby gate: Mud Gate. Short of men, the Hand realizes he can only stop the would-be king with the one thing they have in surplus: pig sh*t.</p><p>At supper, Cersei attacks Tyrion for trying to put King Joffrey on the battlefield and then surprises him: She has his whore. When Ros is ushered into the room, Tyrion tells her to be brave. Ros does not betray Tyrion but asks him not to forget her. Although relieved it is not Shae in custody, Tyrion promises his sister he will have his revenge. He hurries to Shae to confirm that she is safe but is still unnerved by the danger she is in. "I'm yours. And you are mine," she reminds him.</p><p>With no news from Winterfell, Robb tells Roose Bolton to let his bastard know: He wants mercy for any Ironborn who surrenders- with the exception of Theon. Talisa comes to check on Robb, who takes his mind off of things by asking how she came to be a doctor. Talisa recounts how she saw a slave bring her brother back to life after he drowned. Smitten, Robb admits he doesn't want to marry a Frey, and he and Talisa fall into each other's arms.</p><p>Sailing for King's Landing, Stannis compliments Davos for embracing his smuggler's past and taking the onion for his sigil despite the mocking of his high-born counterparts. Stannis complains that those high-born men were quick to forget him during the Siege of Storm's End, leaving him with only 500 men to hold the castle and barely any supplies. If it hadn't been for Davos and his ship full of onions, they would surely have starved. Stannis resents his brother Robert and Ned Stark for stealing all the glory during the rebellion; furthermore, Robert rewarded Renly with Storm's End. Insistent that he is now the rightful king, Stannis names Davos his Hand.</p><p>With much bravado, Joffrey insists that it's time for them to strike against the Stark forces, but Tyrion and Varys feel that Stannis's arrival is a more pressing concern. Alone, Varys assures Tyrion he has proven a surprisingly capable Hand-better than his more honorable predecessors. He confides that he has had word from Qarth: Daenerys Targaryen lives and she is raising dragons. Already overwhelmed, Tyrion says they will have to take things one game at a time.</p><p>In Qarth, Jorah Mormont tells Daenerys that he has secured a ship to take them to Astapor. Dany refuses to leave her dragons behind and insists that if Jorah truly wants to serve, he will take her to the House of the Undying. Although Jorah fears a trap, Dany reminds him that her own magic is quite powerful.</p><p>Theon tells Dagmer to cut down the bodies and tries to give Dagmer money to compensate the farmer. Dagmer assures him that the farmer and his wife no longer have any worries. Passing through the courtyard, Maester Luwin spots Osha heading for the crypts. Meeting with her later, Luwin learns the boys are alive, but tells her they must never know what happened to the orphans. Nearby, Bran listens while Rickon and Hodor sleep.</p></div>
Tyrion and the Lannisters fight for their lives as Stannis' fleet assaults King's Landing.
Valar Morghulis
Tyrion wakes up in a new world. Dany goes to a strange place. Jon proves himself.
Valar Dohaeris
Jon is tested by the wildling king. Tyrion asks for his reward. Dany sails to Slaver's Bay.
Dark Wings, Dark Words
<div class='episode-body-left-aligned' style='text-align: left'><p><b>Written by </b>Vanessa Taylor<br><b>Directed by </b>Daniel Minahan<br></p><p>Bran Stark wakes up dreaming of archery lessons with his brothers and the three-eyed raven. He has a vision of an unfamiliar boy who tells him, "The raven is you." Bran tries to explain his dream to Osha, but she brushes him off and says they still have a long way to go.</p><p>Roose Bolton arrives with bad news, which Robb must then break to his mother. Her father Lord Hoster Tully has died and Winterfell has been put to the torch. Robb tries to remain optimistic: Bran and Rickon have not been found, but Catelyn Stark is distraught to learn there have been no demands from Theon Greyjoy--who is also missing.</p><p>Elsewhere, Theon is splashed awake. Bound on an X-shaped cross, he pleads with the Ironmen who peel skin from his fingers and turn a screw into his foot. He explains he took Winterfell to bring glory to his father. When his captors seem unsatisfied, he confesses he was resentful about being a Stark hostage. When that still fails to change his situation, Theon swears he will tell them anything. After everyone leaves, a boy mopping the floors tells Theon that he has been sent by his sister Yara. The boy promises he will return for Theon that evening.</p><p>Brienne of Tarth escorts Jaime Lannister south off of the main road. Jaime does his best to provoke her, particularly when he realizes that she had feelings for Renly Baratheon. "You were far too much man for him," he teases her. When a farmer crosses their path, Jaime urges Brienne to kill him, but Brienne refuses on the chance that the farmer hasn't recognized Jaime.</p><p>Queen Cersei keeps Joffrey company as he's fitted for new suits. When Joffrey refuses to take her bait about Margaery, she tries to warn her son he is being manipulated. Joffrey pointedly tells his mother he doesn't need to listen to her.</p><p>Sansa Stark insists to Shae that Littlefinger is not interested in her romantically--he's too old. But Shae lets Sansa know she'll make Littlefinger stop should he ever step out of line. Loras escorts Sansa to meet his sister and their grandmother, Lady Olenna Tyrell.</p><p>Sansa shares her condolences with Lady Olenna about Renly's death, but Lady Olenna has few kind words for Margaery's deceased husband. She has fewer still for the Tyrell men, Lord Mace and Loras, and complains about their involvement in the war. When the servants are out of earshot, Lady Olenna asks Sansa for her opinion of King Joffrey. Sansa repeats her usual platitudes, but Lady Olenna and Margaery encourage her to speak freely. Sansa then reveals the horrors Joffrey has put her through, and confesses, "He's a monster." Lady Olenna and Margaery absorb the information, but tell Sansa that the wedding will go on.</p><p>On the road to Riverrun, Lord Karstark lets Robb know he no longer has faith in him; the war was lost when he married Talisa. Talisa tries to console Catelyn, but Catelyn pushes her away while she works on a prayer wheel for her children. Catelyn tells her she has crafted them before; the first when Jon Snow fell sick as an infant--after Catelyn wished for his death. Although she made promises to accept him if he lived, Catelyn couldn't keep her word.</p><p>Mance Rayder tells Jon the different wildling clans joined him because he told them they would die if they didn't. Jon watches Orell control his eagle and learns about warging. Having entered the eagle's mind, Orell reports that he saw the Fist of the First Men and "dead crows." Further south, Rast tells Samwell Tarly he should stop holding the group back and die. Sam is ready to do so but the Lord Commander orders Rast to see that Sam makes it back to Castle Black.</p><p>Bran wakes up from a dream to find Osha and Summer on edge. The boy from Bran's dream approaches, and is taken by Osha, who in turn, is threatened by the boy's sister. The boy introduces himself as Jojen Reed; he has been looking for Bran.</p><p>In the Riverlands, Gendry questions Arya's choices for Jaqen H'ghar's kills. "You could have ended the war," he points out. As Arya tries to reorient them towards Riverrun, they are taken by a group of men who identify themselves as the Brotherhood Without Banners.</p><p>Shae surprises Tyrion Lannister in his bedroom. Tyrion begs her to be careful--his father is in a hanging mood. Shae tells Tyrion Ros warned her about Littlefinger and Sansa. Tyrion admits that Sansa's beauty will attract suitors of all kinds, prompting Shae to mark her territory.</p><p>At his request, Margaery pays a visit to Joffrey as he prepares for a hunting trip. Joffrey digs for details about her relationship with Renly, and she carefully explains he didn't seem interested in women. Margaery then expresses interest in Joffrey's new crossbow and joining him on a hunt, pleasing him even more. "It must be so exciting to squeeze your finger here, and watch something die over there," she murmurs.</p><p>After learning about warging, Bran mentions the three-eyed raven, and Jojen says that they've seen it together. The raven gives him sight, into the past, the future, or elsewhere in the present. Bran finds out that Jojen has the sight too--he too dreamed of Ned's execution, and when he told his father, Howland Reed, Lord Howland cried. Bran recalls hearing from Ned that Lord Howland saved Ned's life during the rebellion. Jojen tells Bran his father never talks about the war, but Jojen saw it.</p><p>The Brotherhood feed Hot Pie, Gendry and Arya at the Inn at the Crossroads. Arya shows Thoros of Myr some of her water dancing to explain how they escaped from Harrenhal. Just as Thoros sets them free, Anguy delivers the Hound, whom he caught after he passed out. Arya tries to walk past them, but the Hound spots them and calling her "the Stark bitch," exposes Arya as a valuable hostage.</p><p>While crossing a bridge, Jaime is able to grab hold of one of Brienne's swords. They square off, and Jaime is impressed by Brienne's skill, even as he taunts her for being unable to fulfill her promise to Catelyn Stark. Their fight is interrupted by a group of riders bearing the Bolton sigil: The farmer sold them out. Jaime tries to buy his way out of capture, but the lead rider, Locke, tells him Robb Stark will have his head if he learns Locke let the Kingslayer go.</p></div>
Walk of Punishment
Tyrion shoulders new responsibilities. Jon is taken to the Fist of the First Men. Daenerys meets with the slavers. Jaime strikes a deal.
And Now His Watch Is Ended
The Night's Watch takes stock. Varys meets his better. Arya is taken to the commander of the Brotherhood. Dany exchanges a chain for a whip.
Kissed by Fire
<div class='episode-body-left-aligned' style='text-align: left'><p><b>Written by </b>Bryan Cogman<br><b>Directed by </b>Alex Graves<br></p><p>In the Brotherhood Without Banners' hideout, the Hound's trial begins. Thoros of Myr slices Lord Beric Dondarrion's outstretched hand, using the blood to ignite Beric's sword. Arya Stark is thrilled to see Beric's flaming blade gives him an advantage, until the Hound crashes his sword down on his opponent. Thoros begins to pray over his brother's dead body while Arya rushes at the Hound yelling, "Burn in hell!" "He will... but not today," answers Beric, miraculously alive. After the fight, the Brotherhood seizes the Hound's gold but sets him free. Beric silences Arya's protests, declaring the Hound innocent in God's eyes.</p><p>At the wildling camp, Orell and Tormund prod Jon Snow for information about the Night's Watch's patrol of the Wall. Because Jon's response is guarded, Orell accuses him of lying. Ygritte comes to Jon's defense, pulling her knife on the man. Tormund breaks up the dispute but informs Jon he will kill him if it turns out he lied. Out of earshot, Jon tells Ygritte he doesn't need her protection. She reminds him he does and lures him into a cave. Now secluded, Ygritte tells Jon to prove his loyalty by breaking his vow of celibacy. He relents and the two consummate their relationship.</p><p>Tyrion Lannister voices his concern about the expense of the royal wedding to Lady Olenna Tyrell. Although disappointed that Tyrion isn't nearly as debauched as his reputation suggested, Lady Olenna agrees to foot half the bill. In a different part of the castle, Cersei approaches Littlefinger with a specific request: Find out if the Tyrells have the crown's best interests at heart.</p><p>Lady Margaery and Sansa Stark watch as Ser Loras Tyrell trains with a man-at-arms. Margaery assures the smitten Sansa she can persuade Joffrey to consent to the union. After the squire tending to Loras suggests he "spar with a proper partner" the two fall into bed together. Loras reveals that he is engaged and the squire, a spy for Littlefinger, moves quickly to report this development. Littlefinger approaches Sansa with an offer to leave, but claiming concern for his safety, Sansa tells him she'd prefer to wait.</p><p>Robb Stark, along with Catelyn, Talisa, and Edmure Tully regard the corpses of young Willem and Martyn Lannister. Lord Rickard Karstark defends his actions, but Robb sentences Karstark's accomplices to hang. Robb's mother, wife and uncle plead with him to spare Karstark's life: Robb cannot win the war without him and his men. But the Young Wolf believes there's only one honorable course of action. The next morning he takes Karstark's head.</p><p>In the Brotherhood's hideout, Thoros informs Arya she's a hostage; they'll obtain her ransom from Robb at Riverrun. She pretends not to be frightened as Beric explains he died and was resurrected by the Lord of Light. He's been killed and brought back six times, though each time he returns as "a bit less." Arya laments her father couldn't cheat death this way.</p><p>Still bound, Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth arrive at Harrenhal. Locke presents the Kingslayer to Lord Roose Bolton, who toys with Jaime about Cersei's safety before sending him to the maester. Qyburn, who lost his chains for "bold" experimentation, advises amputating the full arm to protect from infection. Jaime refuses and forgoing milk of the poppy, screams while Qyburn cuts away the rotten flesh.</p><p>Arriving at the bathhouse, Jaime finds Brienne already in a tub. To her horror, he hops into the same one. After some teasing, he proposes a truce, claiming he trusts her. He makes good on this sentiment by telling her the story of how he got the name ‘Kingslayer.' After the Lannisters entered King's Landing and sacked the city, Aerys not only refused to surrender, he prepared his pyromancers to set the city on fire. Jaime was told to bring his father's head. Left with no choice, Jaime drove his sword into the Aerys' back and climbed atop the Iron Throne. Ned Stark found him there and immediately judged him guilty; Jaime never told him the truth. Woozy and weak, the former knight struggles to stand in the bath. Brienne catches him and calls for help for the Kingslayer, but he corrects her: "My name is Jaime."</p><p>Arya finds Gendry repairing Beric's armor. Drawn to their atmosphere of equality and family, he's decided to stay with the Brotherhood. Arya is heartbroken.</p><p>While Selyse Baratheon prays to the Lord of Light, her husband, Stannis, enters her chamber. He confesses to his affair with his red priestess but is shocked to learn Selyse not only knew, she "wept with joy" when she learned of his "son." Her complicity fuels Stannis' guilt as the couple stands in the shadow of their stillborn baby boys, preserved in jars.</p><p>Selyse turns bitter when she realizes Stannis wants to see their daughter too. Shireen, who suffers from disfiguring greyscale, is pleased to see her father. When she inquires about Davos Seaworth, Stannis tells her of his treason. She ignores her father's order to forget her friend and sneaks down to Davos' prison cell with a book to keep him company. Learning that Davos cannot read, Shireen insists she will teach him how.</p><p>Daenerys Targaryen marches with her army of Unsullied. Jorah Mormont and Barristan Selmy follow, trading war stories. Jorah digs to see if Barristan knows how he betrayed Dany, but learns that the Lord Commander was not welcome at Small Council meetings. Dany asks her new army to choose their own leader; they select Grey Worm. Perturbed that the Unsullied are named after vermin, she encourages them to select new ones. The solider maintains ‘Grey Worm' is honorable because it's what he was called when Dany set him free.</p><p>Staring at a map of Westeros, Robb ponders his options without the Karstarks. At Talisa's mention of Winterfell, Robb realizes he needs to take Casterly Rock and catch the Lannisters unawares. Robb tells his wife that will mean turning to Walder Frey, the man whose daughter he was supposed to marry.</p><p>Tyrion enters Lord Tywin's chamber, surprised to find Cersei present. Tywin discloses that the Tyrells are conspiring to wed Sansa to Loras. He views this union as a betrayal against the crown and a strategic plot to control the North. Aware that the Tyrells' hands are tied until after the royal wedding, Tywin decrees they must act quickly; Tyrion will marry Sansa. Smug at her brother's predicament, Cersei is taken aback to learn her father's plan for her: She's to marry Loras Tyrell.</p></div>
The Climb
Four Houses consider make-or-break alliances. Jon and the Wildlings face a daunting climb.
The Bear and the Maiden Fair
Dany exchanges gifts in Yunkai. Brienne faces a formidable foe in Harrenhal.
Second Sons
Dany meets the Titan's Bastard. King's Landing hosts a royal wedding.
The Rains of Castamere
House Frey joins forces with House Tully. Jon faces his most difficult test yet.
<div class='episode-body-left-aligned' style='text-align: left'><p><b>Written by </b>David Benioff and D.B. Weiss<br><b>Directed by </b>David Nutter<br></p><p>As Stark and Tully men are slaughtered outside the Twins, the Hound grabs a Frey banner and rides through the chaos with Arya Stark in his arms. Arya regains consciousness to see a group of Frey knights surrounding a rider: Grey Wind's head sewn onto Robb Stark's corpse.</p><p>The next morning, Roose Bolton reminds Walder Frey that the Blackfish escaped. Frey doesn't care; with Edmure Tully as his prisoner, Walder is now Lord of Riverrun. Bolton, now warden of the North, says he will not move to Winterfell - it's still in ruins. Lord Frey asks what happened there and Roose tells him his bastard son Ramsay has been keeping Theon Greyjoy captive.</p><p>Tyrion Lannister and his new wife Sansa are strolling the gardens at King's Landing when Tyrion is summoned to a Small Council meeting. King Joffrey is ecstatic to deliver the news of the Starks' deaths - he plans to serve Robb's head to Sansa at his wedding. Tyrion defends his wife by threatening Joffrey. The King throws a tantrum in response and Tywin Lannister sends him to bed.</p><p>After the Council departs, Tywin confirms what Tyrion already suspected; he orchestrated the whole thing. Tyrion disapproves of the murders, but Tywin argues that his plan was best for the family. The Lannister name comes first, he reminds Tyrion as he reiterates his order to impregnate Sansa. Tyrion questions whether Tywin ever had to sacrifice anything and his father replies he has: He fought his impulse to kill Tyrion the day he was born. Upon returning to his chamber, Tyrion finds his grieving wife.</p><p>Balon Greyjoy receives a scroll demanding that he withdraw his men from the North, while Yara opens the accompanying box containing "Theon's favorite toy." Ramsay Snow promises more boxes will follow unless the Ironborn retreat. Although Balon refuses to surrender for a son who cannot further the family line, Yara resolves to rescue her little brother.</p><p>Varys gives Shae a pouch of diamonds to finance a new life in a distant land. He argues that her presence in the capital puts Tyrion at risk. She rejects the bribe and says that if Tyrion wants her gone, he must tell her himself.</p><p>Davos Seaworth goes to visit Gendry in his cell. The boy is surprised to learn that Davos is also from Flea Bottom. The lord explains that his title is recent and shows the missing fingertips on his right hand, Stannis' punishment for his smuggling days. Davos says he only accepted the lordship because of his son, who is now dead.</p><p>Ramsay Snow dines on pork sausage, taunting Theon who begs to be killed. Believing his prisoner unworthy of a name like "Theon Greyjoy," Ramsay renames him "Reek."</p><p>Queen Cersei informs her brother that she won't be marrying Loras Tyrell. She advises Tyrion that giving Sansa a child will make her happier. Cersei's children - even Joffrey - are the reason she's alive.</p><p>The Hound and Arya pass by a group of Frey men. When one boasts he helped sew the direwolf head onto Robb's body, Arya jumps off the horse. Innocently asking to warm herself by their fire, she offers Jaqen H'ghar's iron coin in exchange. As the man reaches for the coin, Arya stabs him repeatedly. The Hound kills the other men easily. Arya looks down at the first man she's killed, retrieves the coin and says, "Valar morghulis."</p><p>Bran Stark, Hodor, and the Reeds take up camp in the Nightfort. Bran tells a story about a cook in the ancient castle who was turned into a hungry rat after he killed a guest beneath their roof. "That's something the gods can't forgive," Bran explains.</p><p>Later that night, Samwell Tarly, Gilly and her baby enter the castle. The Reeds are defensive, but Samwell quickly recognizes the direwolf and identifies Bran as Jon Snow's brother. Sam is surprised to hear that Bran is venturing beyond the Wall, especially after Jojen reveals he knows about the White Walkers. Sam explains how he killed a White Walker and gives the group the dragonglass he pocketed at the Fist. He reluctantly leads the group to the tunnel to cross through the Wall.</p><p>Sam and Gilly arrive at Castle Black and meet with Maester Aemon. Seeing the baby, Aemon reminds Sam of his vows but learns that Gilly is one of Craster's wives. Gilly names her child after Sam and is invited to stay. When Sam informs Aemon of the mobilizing White Walkers, Aemon prepares to alert the kingdom of the threat.</p><p>At Dragonstone, Davos Seaworth practices his reading with Princess Shireen and finds a warning from Maester Aemon. Stannis Baratheon informs Davos that Robb Stark is dead and Melisandre maintains a bigger sacrifice is now necessary. Davos makes a case for Gendry's life, but Stannis sentences the boy to death.</p><p>That night, Davos sneaks down into Gendry's cell and helps him escape by boat. When Stannis learns of Davos' actions, he condemns his Hand. Davos shows his king the scroll from the Night's Watch, and argues that his military expertise will be crucial. Melisandre looks into the flame and confirms the real war is to the north. She persuades Stannis to spare his life.</p><p>Stopping for water, Jon Snow realizes that Ygritte has drawn her bow on him. He tells her that although he loves her, he needs to return to home. Ygritte shoots him repeatedly as he rides away. He arrives at Castle Black seriously injured. Sam and Pyp recognize Jon and carry him inside.</p><p>Jaime and Brienne enter King's Landing, but with his arm bandaged and without his white cloak, Jaime is indistinguishable. He finds Cersei alone in her chamber.</p><p>Daenerys Targaryen greets her audience of newly freed Yunkish slaves. Missandei introduces the khaleesi as their liberator, but Dany addresses the crowd herself; they must take back their own freedom, she says. In response, the crowd chants "Mhysa," Ghiscari for "mother." They lift her into their arms while Drogon circles above.</p></div>
Two Swords
King's Landing prepares for a royal wedding. Dany finds the way to Meereen. the Night's Watch braces for a new threat.
The Lion and the Rose
The Lannisters and their guests gather in King's Landing. Stannis loses patience with Davos. Ramsay finds a purpose for his pet.
Breaker of Chains
Tyrion ponders his options. Tywin extends an olive branch. Jon proposes a bold plan. The Hound teaches Arya the way things are.
Dany balances justice and mercy. Jaime tasks Brienne with his honor. Jon readies his men.
First of His Name
<div class='episode-body-left-aligned' style='text-align: left'><p><b>Written by </b>David Benioff and D.B. Weiss<br><b>Directed by </b>Michelle MacLaren<br></p><p>Littlefinger and Sansa are stopped at the only entrance to the Eyrie, the Bloody Gate. The guards immediately stand down once Littlefinger announces himself and "his niece, Alayne." In the High Hall of the Eyrie, Lysa Arryn acknowledges Sansa's true identity and introduces her niece to Robin. Alone with Littlefinger, Lysa demands that they wed immediately. She has already proven herself a dutiful partner, she reminds her intended, as she poisoned Jon Arryn and manipulated the Starks into believing the Lannisters did it. Littlefinger acquiesces and later that night, Sansa is horrified to overhear the noises from her aunt's wedding bed. </p><p>After she's settled in, Sansa shares a tray of lemon cakes with Lysa. A friendly conversation takes a turn when Lysa questions the nature of Sansa's relationship with Littlefinger, demanding: "Are you pregnant?" Lysa continues to berate the girl until she breaks down in tears. Finally, Lysa reveals her plans for her niece: Sansa will marry Robin.</p><p>Tommen Baratheon is coronated in the Sept of Baelor. Noticing her son locking eyes with Margaery, Cersei approaches Joffrey's widow and confesses she saw her firstborn's true colors. "He would have been your nightmare," Cersei tells Margaery, and offers her a chance to be queen. Margaery demurs - marrying Tommen never crossed her mind - but promises to speak to her father about the honor.</p><p>Jorah Mormont informs Daenerys Targaryen and her inner circle that King Joffrey is dead. With Daario Naharis now in control of the Meereenese navy, Dany contemplates an assault on King's Landing. Barristan Selmy advocates the charge, but Jorah has other concerns; the masters of Yunkai have retaken control of the city, and a butcher named Cleon now occupies Astapor. Dismissing everyone but Jorah, Dany decides she will first prove she can rule the cities she's liberated.</p><p>Arya Stark lies down next to Sandor "The Hound" Clegane and prepares to sleep. Listening to her reciting the list of the people she wishes to kill, the Hound remarks that they have a name in common - his brother, the Mountain. Arya finishes her prayer with one final name: "The Hound."</p><p>The next morning, the Hound finds Arya practicing her "water-dancing." Clegane scoffs at the Braavosi fighting style and enrages Arya by belittling the skills of her teacher, Syrio Forel. Arya lunges at him, but her sword only scratches the surface of the Hound's armor. Effortlessly, he knocks her to the ground.</p><p>Brienne of Tarth and Podrick Payne begin their journey to Castle Black, assuming Sansa will have sought shelter there with her half-brother. Irritated with Pod's incompetence, Brienne dismisses the squire from her service. Nevertheless, Pod remains by her side. Later that day, Brienne is surprised when Podrick reveals he killed a member of the Kingsguard while protecting Tyrion at the Battle of the Blackwater. Impressed, Brienne allows Podrick to help with her armor.</p><p>Tywin Lannister and Queen Cersei discuss the upcoming weddings of Tommen to Margaery and Cersei to Loras. Their alliance with the Tyrells is essential, Tywin explains, as the Lannister mines have run dry. Cersei accepts her role and reminds her father that unlike her brothers, she has always put the family first. Tywin sees through her subtext but refuses to discuss Tyrion's trial.</p><p>Cersei invites Oberyn Martell to stroll the Red Keep. She laments that for all their power, neither could not avoid their respective family tragedies. The queen regent asks about her daughter, Myrcella, a ward of Dorne, and shows Oberyn the sailing ship she had made for her. Oberyn assures Cersei that the girl is safe and promises to deliver the gift.</p><p>At Craster's Keep, Locke spies on the mutineers and notices Bran, Hodor and the Reeds tied up in a hut. Reporting back, Locke tells Jon Snow and the others to avoid the hut by explaining there are hounds chained there.</p><p>Jojen has a vision of a great weirwood tree and tells Bran, "He's waiting for you." He assures the group that they will know the end when they see it, as he foresees his hand engulfed in flame.</p><p>When Karl begins to terrorize Meera, Jojen tries to protect his sister by saying he has the sight. "I saw you die tonight," the boy states. Their conversation is interrupted when the Night's Watch storms the keep. Locke rushes to Bran, and confirms his identity when the boy does not react to a slice on his leg. Realizing he's in danger, Bran wargs into Hodor and frees the giant from his chains. Using Hodor's strength, Bran breaks Locke's neck. Returning to his own consciousness, Bran commands Hodor to free the Reeds and Summer. Spotting Jon, Bran tries to call out to him but Jojen points out that Bran's brother will never allow him to find the three-eyed raven. Bran resolves to leave.</p><p>Inside the keep, Jon Snow faces off against Karl. The mutineer's dirty fighting style has Jon at a disadvantage, but when one of Craster's wife stabs Karl in the back, Jon is able to finish him off. Meanwhile in the woods, Jon's direwolf Ghost takes care of Rast. Battle won, the brothers confer with Craster's surviving wives and the women opt to remain where they are. The brothers fulfill the wives' only request: Burn Craster's Keep to the ground.</p></div>
The Laws of Gods and Men
<div class='episode-body-left-aligned' style='text-align: left'><p><b>Written by </b>Bryan Cogman<br><b>Directed by </b>Alik Sakharov<br></p><p>Stannis Baratheon and Davos Seaworth arrive in Braavos for their meeting with the Iron Bank. They petition for funding but banker Tycho Nestoris says no - the numbers don't add up. Davos removes his glove and exposes his severed fingers to remind the bankers that Stannis understands accountability. Furthermore, the Lannisters rule now, but what happens when the 67-year-old Tywin dies? The Onion Knight is resolute: "There's only one reliable leader left in Westeros - Stannis." The request is granted, and Davos tracks down his former comrade Salladhor Saan in a pleasure house. Passing him a case of gold coins, Davos informs the pirate that they sail at sunrise.</p><p>Yara Greyjoy leads her band of Ironborn on a mission to rescue her brother. The group infiltrates the Dreadfort and Bolton guards lead them to the kennels, where Yara finds her brother panicked and paranoid. Theon resists Yara's pleas to leave, yelling, "My name is Reek!" Hearing the commotion, Ramsay Snow enters the fray and unleashes the hounds, forcing the Ironborn to retreat. Yara heads back to her ship and admits defeat, "My brother is dead."</p><p>The next day, Ramsay presents Reek with a bath as a reward for his loyalty during the attack. As he settles into the hot water, Reek learns that Ramsay needs a favor of him: He must pose as Theon Greyjoy to take Moat Cailin.</p><p>Daenerys Targaryen holds audience in her Meereenese throne room. A shepherd approaches and presents a bundle of charred bones - the remains of a goat killed by Drogon. Dany apologizes and promises to compensate the shepherd three times the value of his livestock. The next supplicant, Hizdahr zo Loraq, speaks of his father, a noble, respected citizen who spoke out against the city's crucifixion of children - and was one of the 163 masters crucified by Dany. When the queen maintains that her actions were justified, Hizdahr does not argue; he only asks to give his father a proper burial. Dany concedes and dismisses the man, only to learn that 212 more people wait to meet with her.</p><p>In King's Landing, Tywin Lannister presides over a meeting of the Small Council, including the newly appointed members Mace Tyrell and Oberyn Martell. First, the group discusses the Hound, who has been spotted in the Riverlands. Tywin puts a generous ransom on Clegane's head. Next, Varys reports on Daenerys' progress in Essos - she has both Barristan Selmy and Jorah Mormont advising her, her army is strong and her dragons are growing. Cersei is skeptical, but the other council members agree that the Targaryen is a threat. Tywin resolves to take action.</p><p>Later in the throne room, Prince Oberyn meets with Varys. Oberyn inquires as to how the eunuch made his way from Lys to King's Landing. Varys defers; he only shares that story with people he trusts.</p><p>Jaime Lannister arrives in Tyrion's cell and per his father's orders, chains his brother's hands. Tyrion is escorted to the throne room where a large audience awaits for his trial. King Tommen recuses himself and introduces the judges: Tywin Lannister, Mace Tyrell and Oberyn Martell. Tywin presides over the event and calls the crown's witnesses.</p><p>Kingsguard knight Meryn Trant takes the stand first and recalls Tyrion's threats against Joffrey. Tyrion counters that the king was terrorizing Sansa Stark, but Tywin orders him to remain silent.</p><p>Grand Maester Pycelle reveals that potions were pilfered from his supplies, including "The Strangler," a rare and deadly poison used to kill the king. The maester produces Sansa's necklace, recovered from Dontos Hollard's body, and explains that he found Strangler residue inside a gem setting.</p><p>Cersei recounts how Tyrion tried to put Joffrey on the front lines during the Battle of Blackwater and once threatened, "Your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth, and you will know the debt is paid." When Oberyn asks about the debt in question, Cersei explains Tyrion was angry when she reminded him to keep his whores away from Red Keep.</p><p>Varys recalls Tyrion's bad behavior during a Small Council meeting, and suggests the accused became sympathetic to the northern cause after his marriage to Sansa. Tyrion is permitted to address Varys and reminds the eunuch that he saved the city. Varys assures him that he has not forgotten.</p><p>During a recess, Jaime confronts Tywin about the farce masquerading as a trial. Jaime makes a deal with his father: If Tywin will spare Tyrion's life, Jaime will continue the family name. Tywin readily accepts - Tyrion will be permitted to join the Night's Watch if Jaime gives up his Kingsguard post and takes his place at Casterly Rock. Jaime briefs Tyrion about the terms of the arrangement and begs his brother to keep his mouth shut.</p><p>The crown calls its next witness, and Tyrion is horrified to see Shae walk in. The judges question Shae, who maintains that as both Sansa's handmaiden and Tyrion's whore, she learned the truth: Tyrion and Sansa planned the murder together. Shae recites a prepared statement riddled with lies. She paints an ugly portrait of her relationship with Tyrion, revealing intimate details to the crowd's amusement.</p><p>Shattered, Tyrion cuts off Shae's testimony. He curses the people of King's Landing; he should have let Stannis kill them all. Tyrion tells the courtroom that the only thing he is guilty of is being a dwarf - and for that he's already been condemned. There's no justice for him here, Tyrion roars, and demands a trial by combat.</p></div>
Tyrion enlists an unlikely ally. Daario entreats Dany to allow him to do what he does best. Jon's warnings fall on deaf ears.
The Mountain and the Viper
Mole's Town receives some unexpected visitors. Littlefinger's motives are questioned. Tyrion's fate is decided.
The Watchers on the Wall
<div class='episode-body-left-aligned' style='text-align: left'><p><b>Written by </b>David Benioff and D.B. Weiss<br><b>Directed by </b>Neil Marshall<br></p><p>Wildlings on the south side of Castle Black await their signal from the north. The group is impatient, especially Ygritte, who sneers at Tormund's lighthearted campfire story. Her focus is on the upcoming battle, and shooting as many crows as possible. Styr questions Ygritte's commitment to killing - especially when it comes to her former lover. Ygritte assures the Thenn that she will be the one to take him out: "Jon Snow is mine."</p><p>Samwell Tarly and Jon Snow stand watch atop the Wall. Sam probes Jon for details about his relationship with Ygritte, reasoning that Jon's stories may be the closest he ever comes to intimacy. Nothing happened with Gilly, Sam shares, but even if it had, there's nothing in the Night's Watch vows that specifically forbids sex. Jon reflects upon his romance, dismayed it ended in a hail of arrows. Both men lament that more violence is inevitable, as Mance's army bears down on the Wall.</p><p>Maester Aemon finds Samwell Tarly reading by candlelight in the library. Realizing that Sam has abandoned his post to research Gilly's predicament, Aemon reiterates what he once told Jon: "Love is the death of duty."</p><p>En route to his quarters, Sam is shocked to see Gilly and her baby at the gate, begging for entrance. Sam orders Pyp to stand aside and swears he will never leave Gilly again. Their reunion is cut short by two horn blasts. The men begin preparing for attack; Jon climbs to an outlook and sees, as promised, the greatest fire the North has ever seen.</p><p>Sam ushers Gilly to the Castle Black larder to keep her out of the fray. She's distraught at the idea of Sam joining the battle, but he explains that he must do his duty. "That's what men do," he adds, and the two share their first kiss. Before leaving, he promises Gilly he will survive. Later, as Sam tries to soothe Pyp's frayed nerves, Sam confesses that he wasn't afraid when he fought the White Walker. Things are different now, Sam realizes, because he has much more to live for.</p><p>Alliser Thorne oversees the top of the Wall as the men ready their defenses. The acting commander concedes to Jon that he should have sealed off the tunnels, but leadership means making the hard choices. Thorne informs Jon they'll work together against the enemy tonight, but when it's over, they'll go on hating each other.</p><p>Hundreds of thousands of wildings, including mammoths and giants, charge the Wall. As they approach, a horn announces the attack on the southern gate. Thorne tends to the second front, leaving Janos Slynt in charge at the Wall. Slynt freezes in panic, cowering in a corner until Grenn comes up with a story to send him below. Jon takes command, supervising the archers to send flaming arrows at the climbers on the Wall.</p><p>On the ground, giants affix a series of spikes to the gate, attaching the other ends to the harness of a mammoth. Jon sends Grenn down, commanding him to hold the gate at any cost. From atop the Wall, crows drop buckets of oil, which implode on the giants and mammoth, leaving Mag the Mighty to take on Grenn's band of men. As the giant charges them, Grenn leads his brothers in a recitation of their vows and spurs their courage.</p><p>Thorne rallies the men of the Watch and the group bravely faces off against the Thenns who have infiltrated the courtyard. Olly looks on in horror as he watches Styr, the man who promised to eat his parents, hack through men left and right. Ygritte shoots an arrow straight through Pyp's neck, and the boy dies in Sam's arms. Tormund takes on Alliser Thorne and seriously wounds him.</p><p>Sam realizes more men are needed on his front and he orders Olly to hoist the elevator and grab a weapon. At Sam's behest, Jon leaves Edd in charge and heads to the courtyard. Jon instructs Sam to release Ghost, who jumps right into the fight.</p><p>Jon faces off against Styr, and ultimately kills the Thenn with a hammer. He staggers to his feet, and sees Ygritte with an arrow pointed right at his heart. She hesitates for a moment, and is hit from behind by Olly's arrow. Jon rushes towards to her side and cradles Ygritte as she dies.</p><p>Under Edd's command, the Night's Watch uses a giant scythe to slice the remaining climbers off the Wall. The battle ends. Refusing to surrender, Tormund is taken hostage. Samwell returns to Gilly in the larder and is startled to find Slynt cowering in a corner.</p><p>The next morning, the men assess the carnage. Jon knows that although the crows won the battle, Mance will attack again that evening. With their diminished numbers, they don't stand a chance. Jon decides to treat with Mance, and kill the king beyond the Wall. "It's a bad plan," Jon admits, but it's the only one they have. On the way out, Jon finds the body of Grenn, who died holding the gate. Jon hands Longclaw to Sam for safekeeping, and steps out of Castle Black.</p></div>
The Children
Dany faces some harsh realities. Tyrion sees the truth of his situation.
The Wars To Come
Tyrion learns of a conspiracy and Jon is caught between two kings.
The House of Black and White
Arya arrives in Braavos. Pod and Brienne find trouble. Cersei fears for her daughter's safety. Stannis tempts Jon. An adviser tempts Dany.
High Sparrow
Cersei does justice. Arya sees the Many-Faced God. Tyrion walks the Long Bridge of Volantis.
The Sons of the Harpy
The Faith Militant grow increasingly aggressive. Jaime and Bronn head south. Ellaria and the Sand Snakes vow vengeance.
Kill the Boy
Dany makes a difficult decision in Meereen. Jon recruits the help of an unexpected ally. Brienne searches for Sansa.
Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
Arya trains. Jorah and Tyrion run into slavers. Trystane and Myrcella make plans. Jaime and Bronn reach their destination.
The Gift
Jon prepares for conflict. Sansa tries to talk to Theon. Brienne waits for a sign. Stannis remains stubborn.
Arya makes progress in her training. Sansa confronts an old friend. Cersei struggles. Jon travels.
The Dance of Dragons
Stannis confronts a troubling decision. Jon returns to The Wall. Mace visits the Iron Bank. Arya encounters someone from her past.
Mother's Mercy
Stannis marches. Dany is surrounded by strangers. Cersei seeks forgiveness. Jon is challenged.
The Red Woman
Jon Snow is dead. Daenerys meets a strong man. Cersei sees her daughter again.
Bran goes home. The Night's Watch stands behind Thorne.
Daenerys meets her future. Arya trains to be No One.
Book of the Stranger
Tyrion strikes a deal. Jorah and Daario undertake a difficult task. Jaime and Cersei try to improve their situation.
The Door
<div class='episode-body-left-aligned' style='text-align: left'><p><b>Written by </b>David Benioff and D.B. Weiss<br><b>Directed by </b>Jack Bender<br></p><p>Sansa meets with Littlefinger after receiving a letter bearing his sigil. Although surprised to see Brienne, he expresses relief Sansa is "unharmed." Sansa corrects her former guardian, forcing him to hear about the pain she endured with Ramsay. Dismissing his offer of aid, Sansa declares she will take back the North with her own army. In parting, Littlefinger informs her Brynden "The Blackfish" Tully has retaken Riverrun, and reminds her the army she has is not hers, but her half-brother's.<br><br>Jon Snow takes counsel as to who might join the Stark army. Davos has concerns about Jon's appeal, but Sansa is confident her trueborn status will bolster Jon's; his legitimacy is no different than Ramsay's. She divulges news of the restored Tully forces, but not her real source. Once in her chambers, Sansa orders Brienne to ride to Riverrun and enlist the Blackfish to their cause. Brienne, hesitant to leave Sansa, also questions why Sansa withheld her meeting with Littlefinger. Readying to leave Castle Black, Sansa gives Jon a handmade cloak bearing the Stark sigil. The group departs, while Edd, in his first act as Lord Commander, remains in the courtyard and orders the closing of the gate.</p><p>The Waif continues to drill Arya, mocking her high-born origins. Jaqen H'ghar explains that the Faceless Men were slaves in Valyria before establishing the Free City of Braavos and the House of Black & White. Handing Arya a vial, Jaqen tells her an actress, Lady Crane, will be the next to receive the Many-Faced God's "gift."<br><br>Arya enjoys the spectacle of the actors re-enacting the War of the Five Kings, playing Baratheons and Lannisters, but her pleasure ceases when her father, and his execution, are caricatured. Arya sneaks into the dressing room to observe her target – the actress playing Cersei – who appears to be a clever, decent woman. Arya later shares with Jaqen her plan to poison Lady Crane's rum. Arya suspects that a jealous younger actress, Bianca, has commissioned the kill. Jaqen cuts her off, reminding her a servant does not question.<br><br>Thousands of years in the past, in a lush green locale, Bran and the Three-Eyed Raven find Leaf and other Children of the Forest huddled in front of a weirwood tree with a man tied to it. Leaf inserts a shard of dragonglass into the man's chest, and his eyes turn ice blue. The Children of the Forest created the White Walkers. Pulled back to the cave, Bran demands to know why. "We needed to defend ourselves," Leaf says, "From you. From men."</p><p>Yara Greyjoy is met with skepticism at the kingsmoot until Theon asserts she is the "rightful ruler." Her supporters' cheers are interrupted by Euron Greyjoy, who steps forward to lay his claim to the Salt Throne. Accused of Balon's murder, he apologizes only for not having done it sooner. Euron proposes re-building the enormous "Iron Fleet," which he will deliver to Daenerys Targaryen in exchange for her hand in marriage. Together they will destroy the lords of Westeros and rule all Seven Kingdoms, not just the Iron Islands. After his proposal, Euron is chosen as king.<br><br>In accordance with tradition, the priest Aeron Greyjoy drowns Euron. When his brother revives, Aeron places a driftwood crown on his head. Euron rallies his supporters to kill Yara and Theon, but discovers they have stolen off with his best ships. The new king tells his subjects to begin building anew.</p><p>Daenerys debates what to do with Jorah, but he tells her he must be sent away. Revealing his ever-spreading greyscale, Jorah professes, "Tyrion Lannister was right. I love you." Daenerys stops her loyal bodyguard from leaving to give one final command: Find a cure and return to her.<br><br>Temporary peace has come to Meereen, but Tyrion wants people to know that Daenerys is responsible. Looking for a voice the people will believe, Tyrion and Varys meet with Kinvara, a High Priestess of the Lord of Light. In order to prove her power to the skeptical Varys, she speaks of the night he was mutilated and heard a voice call out from the flames. The priestess asks Varys, "Should I tell you what the voice said? Should I tell you the name of the one who spoke?"</p><p>Bored, Bran grasps the weirwood and returns to the location where the first White Walker was born, only to find it now a frozen wasteland. He sees the Army of the Dead and walks amongst the wights, until the Night King, astride his horse, looks directly at him. Frozen in fear, Bran realizes the entire army has turned to face him. The Night King closes his hand around the boy's forearm. Screaming, Bran opens his eyes in the cave; the Three-Eyed Raven tells them they all must leave; by touching Bran, the Night King has broken the cave's magical protection. First, however, Bran must become him. "Am I ready?" Bran asks. "No," says his tutor.<br><br>While the Three-Eyed Raven is transferring his knowledge to Bran, Meera notices a chill in the cave. She rushes to the entrance and finds the Army of the Dead gathered outside. While the Children try to hold them off, Meera runs back into the cave. Bran is stuck in a vision watching young Ned bid farewell to his own father, Rickard, in the courtyard at Winterfell, and cannot be stirred. Meera yells for the panicking Hodor to get Bran onto the sledge. Faintly hearing Meera's pleas for help even in the past, Bran wargs into a terrified Hodor, who pulls the motionless boy through the tunnels alongside Meera, chased by wights from all sides. Bran's direwolf, Summer, is killed in the fight, and Leaf sacrifices herself so they have a chance to escape out a back door.<br><br>Inside the cave, the Night King approaches the immobile Three-Eyed Raven, blade aloft. The old man tells Bran, "leave me," and turns to ash in the courtyard as the Night King destroys his body. Bran sees Wylis staring at him, and the stable boy collapses to the ground, eyes rolled back.<br><br>Outside the door of the cave, Meera pulls the sledge into the blizzard, yelling for Hodor to "hold the door" against the relentless wights. As he does so, his past-self, Wylis – linked to him through Bran's powers – begins to repeat Meera's command. The dead grasp at Hodor, tearing at him, but he refuses to let them through, sacrificing himself to save his friends. In the past, Bran watches the convulsing young Wylis fuse "Hold the door" into one word: "Hodor." The only word he'll ever speak again.</p></div>
Blood of My Blood
<div class='episode-body-left-aligned' style='text-align: left'><p><b>Written by </b>Bryan Cogman<br><b>Directed by </b>Jack Bender<br></p><p>As Meera struggles to pull Bran's sledge through the snow, he cycles through visions of his fall, Ned's execution, Drogon, the Red Wedding, Hardhome, and the Mad King shrieking, "Burn them all." Then Bran's eyes refocus, and he returns to consciousness for the first time since the cave – though strangely changed. "They found us," he matter-of-factly tells the exhausted girl. A group of wights close in for the kill, but a rider appears, swinging a flaming chain-and-scythe. "The dead don't rest," the stranger warns. Effortlessly, he pulls the two onto his horse and takes them to safety.</p><p>Meera watches their protector with suspicion. "When I last saw you, you were a boy," the cloaked man says to Bran, and reveals he is Bran's uncle, Benjen Stark. Disfigured and frostbitten, Benjen explains he was almost turned by the White Walkers, but the Children stopped the process by plunging a shard of dragonglass into his heart. He warns Bran he must learn to control the Three-Eyed Raven's power before the Night King comes.</p><p>En route to Horn Hill, Sam prepares Gilly to meet his father, and warns her to conceal her wildling origins. Gilly is astonished by the size of the estate and the graciousness of Sam's mother. Sam's sister dresses Gilly up for dinner, stunning Sam. Randyll Tarly is dismissive of his oldest son throughout the meal and outraged when he learns – through a slip of Gilly's – that his dinner guest is a wildling. He points to Heartsbane, the Tarly family sword, and says Sam will never wield it. To please his wife, Randyll agrees Gilly may work in the kitchens and Little Sam (still believed to be Sam's child) will be raised at Horn Hill. Samwell, however, will never be allowed in the castle again.</p><p>In Gilly's chambers, Sam bids farewell to her and the baby. "You're not what he thinks you are," Gilly assures him. Reconsidering, Sam decides the maesters will "make do" and find a place for all of them at the Citadel. "We belong together," he says, and leaves with Gilly and Little Sam – though not before taking Heartsbane as his rightful inheritance.<br><br>Walder Frey's sons Lothar and ‘Black' Walder abashedly defend their loss of Riverrun to the Blackfish, Brynden Tully: Families are rising against them, and the Brotherhood Without Banners is rallying the commoners. Unsatisfied, Walder orders them to take the castle back from the Blackfish by reminding him they still have Edmure Tully.</p><p>The High Sparrow eases King Tommen's concerns about Margaery's Walk of Atonement by suggesting the Gods will "predispose the common people to gentleness" because of the queen's goodness. As the young man considers this, the High Sparrow takes him to see his wife.<br><br>Margaery shares with Tommen the truths she has found through the High Sparrow's guidance. The two agree the spiritual leader is not what they expected. She tells her husband not to worry, "The Gods have a plan for us all."<br><br>A crowd has gathered for Margaery's walk. Mace Tyrell, accompanied by Jaime Lannister, leads the Tyrell infantry to the steps of the Sept. Jaime demands the return of the Tyrell siblings but the High Sparrow confuses everyone when he says a Walk will not be necessary: "Queen Margaery has already atoned for her sins by bringing another into the true light of the Seven." Tommen emerges, followed by Kingsguard wearing breastplates signifying the union of the Crown and Seven-Pointed-Star. Olenna Tyrell and Jaime watch helplessly as the new alliance is declared.<br><br>In the Great Hall, Tommen asserts an attack on the Faith is an attack on the Crown, and strips Jaime of his command. He tells Jaime he will continue to serve as he has always done, but not in King's Landing. An enraged Jaime tells Cersei he has been assigned to deal with the situation in the Riverlands but he'd rather stay and kill the High Sparrow. Cersei calms her partner: It is time for Jaime to take his place at the head of the Lannister army. "We've always been together. We will always be together," she promises.</p><p>Arya watches the players reenact King Joffrey's death. Although most of the actors play their roles in farce, Lady Crane performs Cersei's final monologue without histrionics, doing her best with the poor writing. Arya slips into the dressing room and poisons the actress's rum, but is stopped by Lady Crane before she can exit. The thespian solicits Arya's critique, which the girl gives before hurrying out. Izembaro, the lead actor and playwright, gets angry at Lady Crane for insulting his work, but the actress merely turns to her rum. As Lady Crane is about to drink, Arya reappears to swat the glass out of her hands, and gives a pointed warning about Bianca. Unbeknownst to Arya, the Waif has witnessed this intervention, and reports back to Jaqen. The Faceless Man permits the Waif to handle the situation with one request: "Don't let her suffer."<br><br>By the Braavosi canal, Arya retrieves her sword, Needle, from its hiding place, and does not return to the House of Black and White.</p><p>Riding at the head of the Dothraki horde, Daario estimates Daenerys will need at least a thousand ships to bring her army to Westeros. He asks what is next after the Iron Throne: "You weren't made to sit on a chair in a palace." The queen rides off, but returns soon on the back of Drogon. "Every khal who ever lived chose three blood riders to fight beside him," she declares. "I am not a khal… I choose you all." The enormous khalasar roars, pledging to deliver her the Seven Kingdoms. Daario is awed – and also terrified.</p></div>
The Broken Man
The High Sparrow eyes another target. Jaime confronts a hero. Arya makes a plan. The North is reminded.
No One
While Jaime weighs his options, Cersei answers a request. Tyrion's plans bear fruit. Arya faces a new test.
Battle of the Bastards
<div class='episode-body-left-aligned' style='text-align: left'><p><b>Written by </b>David Benioff and D.B. Weiss<br><b>Directed by </b>Miguel Sapochnik<br></p><p>In response to the attack on Meereen, Daenerys decides she will crucify the Masters and destroy their cities. Tyrion likens Dany's plan to her father, who planned to King's Landing with wildfire, and suggests "an alternate approach."<br><br>Daenerys and her council meet with the three slaver envoys, who assume they are negotiating Daenerys' surrender. The trio inform the queen the Unsullied and Missandei will be sold to the highest bidders, and the dragons slaughtered. Daenerys clarifies her position by climbing onto Drogon and leading her three dragons to lay waste to the slavers' warships, while Daario and her Dothraki horde cut down the Sons of the Harpy surrounding the city.<br><br>Missandei tells the envoys one of them will die as punishment for breaking their pact. Razdal and Belicho shove Yezzan forward, but Grey Worm slashes Belicho and Razdal's necks instead. Tyrion charges the still-startled Yezzan with telling his people what happened "when Daenerys Stormborn and her dragons came to Meereen."</p><p>In a field outside of Winterfell, Jon Snow and his supporters meet with Ramsay Bolton and his contingent. Ramsay tells Jon to kneel and all will be pardoned. Agreeing there is no need for thousands to die, Jon offers to fight one-on-one instead. Ramsay declines and reminds them he has Rickon, presenting Shaggydog's head as proof. Sansa coolly tells her husband he will die the next day. Looking at the men, Ramsay comments his dogs have not been fed in a week. "In the morning then, bastard," he says.<br><br>Jon, Davos, and Tormund lay out their battle plan while Sansa listens from the side, excluded. Clearly outnumbered, they determine it is crucial that Ramsay's men charge first. Once alone with Jon, Sansa voices frustration she wasn't consulted given her knowledge of Ramsay. When Jon asks how she suggests they get Rickon back, she says they probably never will. "As long as he lives, Ramsay's claim to Winterfell will be contested," she explains. Admitting she knows nothing about battles, she advises Jon to not do what Ramsay wants. Jon scoffs at the obviousness of her suggestion, but Sansa insists that what's most obvious is they should have waited to build a stronger force. "Battles have been won against greater odds," Jon says. Sansa makes one thing clear: should Ramsay win, she will not go back to him alive.</p><p>Disturbed by his conversation with Sansa, Jon tells Melisandre she is not to bring him back should he fall in the battle. The priestess denies his request, reminding him that she serves the Lord of Light, not him. She does admit, however, that the Lord of Light might only have brought Jon back to die in the battle anyway.<br><br>Discussing Stannis Baratheon and Mance Rayder, Davos posits to Tormund their mistake might have been believing in kings. "Jon Snow's not a king," Tormund replies, and leaves for a drink.<br><br>Walking the camp all night, Davos discovers snow-covered mounds of charred timber, the remnants from Shireen's pyre. Amongst the ruins he finds the carved stag he made for Shirren, completely scorched. Before he can process what this means, a war horns sounds in the distance. It's time for battle.</p><p>Daenerys and Tyrion receive the Greyjoy siblings, who offer their ships in exchange for Dany's support of Yara's claim to the Salt Throne. Acknowledging Euron will have his own pitch, they explain that Euron's overture will include a marriage proposal. Daenerys is intrigued by Yara, but states that, unlike their fathers, they will leave the world a better place – the days of reaving and raping are over. Hesitating momentarily, Yara agrees to give up the Ironborn way of life. The two clasp arms in agreement.</p><p>Jon's troops stand in formation across the battlefield from the much larger Bolton army. Ramsay leads Rickon by rope to the front of the lines and surprises everyone by cutting Rickon's binds. Releasing the boy, Ramsay tells him to run to his brother. Rickon sees Ramsay's bow being brought to him and speeds toward the other side. Disregarding caution, Jon leaps onto his horse and races to reach his brother before the arrows do, but fails. Rickon is struck down and Jon, overcome with rage, loses sight of his side's careful strategy and charges the Bolton army. The Stark troops follow their leader into battle while Ramsay commands his archers to loose and his cavalry to charge. Staggering to his feet after his horse is hit, Jon prepares to face oncoming death, but is saved by the arrival of his cavalry, which collides with the Boltons'.<br><br>Men and horses fall everywhere, especially where the two cavalries met. As bodies start to pile up, Davos and his archers drop their bows, draw swords, and rush forward. The Bolton forces then march forward and surround the Stark supporters with a shield wall, and lower their spears. Wun-Wun the Giant and Tormund attempt to break through, but the shielded troops move forward, skewering Jon's men and crushing them against each other. When the wildlings try to flee over the pile of bodies to their rear, they're met by Ramsay's own infantry, led by Smalljon Umber.<br><br>Tormund and Smalljon exchange blows, and it looks like Tormund has finally met his match. Jon is knocked down and might be trampled to death. Ramsay watches his imminent victory with glee from the safety of the high ground. Jon finally claws his way above the fray, looks around, and knows the battle is lost. Then a warhorn sounds -- the Knights of the Vale have arrived. From a distance, Littlefinger and Sansa observe as the Vale cavalry break the Bolton lines. Tormund gouges out Smalljon's eyes and finishes the kill. Jon spots Ramsay headed back to Winterfell, and he, Tormund, and Wun-Wun tear after the Warden of the North.<br><br>Ramsay bars the gate, confident he can wait out any siege. Wun-Wun, using what's left of his energy, breaks through the heavy doors. The giant's body shields the wildlings from the Bolton arrows, allowing them to rush into the courtyard and take it. As Jon goes to see to Wun-Wun's wounds, the last of the giants is killed by an arrow to the eye. Ramsay, standing with bow and quiver, taunts Jon, "You suggested one-on-one combat, didn't you?…I've reconsidered." As Ramsay draws and looses, Jon snatches a shield and blocks the arrows with singularly focus. Finally he reaches Ramsay and pummels him. He stops only when he sees Sansa: Ramsay is not his to kill. The Stark banner goes up and Jon instructs his men to bury Rickon in the crypt, next to Ned.</p><p>Sansa heads to the kennels where the bloodied Ramsay is chained to a chair. Her former torturer tells her, "You can't kill me. I'm part of you now." As the hounds pad forward, Ramsay is confident his beasts are loyal. "They were," Sansa says, "but now they're starving." An animal sniffs, then rips into Ramsay's face. He screams as the other dogs join in. Sansa watches for a moment then turns away, smiling at her revenge.</p></div>
The Winds of Winter
Cersei faces a day of reckoning. Daenerys antes up for the "Great Game."
Jon Snow organizes the defense of the North. Cersei tries to even the odds. Daenerys comes home.
The Queen's Justice
Daenerys holds court. Tyrion backchannels. Cersei returns a gift. Jaime learns from his mistakes.
The Spoils of War
The Lannisters pay their debts. Daenerys weighs her options. Arya comes home.
Daenerys offers a choice. Arya grows suspicious. Tyrion answers a good question.
Beyond the Wall
Jon and the Brotherhood hunt the dead. Arya confronts Sansa. Tyrion thinks about the future.
The Dragon and the Wolf
Tyrion tries to save Westeros from itself. Sansa questions loyalties.
Arriving at Winterfell, Jon and Daenerys struggle to unite a divided North.
A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms
Jaime argues his case before a skeptical audience.
The Long Night
Arya looks to prove her worth as a fighter.
The Last of the Starks
In the wake of a costly victory, Jon and Daenerys look to the south as Tyrion eyes a compromise that could save countless lives.
The Bells
Daenerys and Cersei weigh their options as an epic conflict looms at King's Landing.
The Iron Throne
Series finale. The fate of the Seven Kingdoms is at stake as the final chapter of Game of Thrones is written.

The Cast Remembers
First days on set, favorite costumes and scenes they'll never forget: the actors look back on filming eight seasons of Game of Thrones.